
Lord I ask for a God fearing man, not a pastor!

Lets get into it, I know pastors need love to and I’m usually open to dating all types of men but I will never date a Pastor ever again!.

First off sir its unequally yolk or whatever you call it. I have no desire to be a first lady ever! I curse to damn much and I think that most people in the church are hypocrite and that’s including you. I question everything, I speak my mind and I don’t apologize for being me! I don’t care to live in your bubble of fake Christians that judge everyone but themselves.

You ever dated a pastor or a very religious man?  If you haven’t you aren’t missing anything! They’ll start by telling how they are not perfect. Don’t be fooled and think this is a humble man this man is just warming you up for when he offer to eat you out!

I said what I said, and because he already told you he’s not perfect you wont judge as much or just stay in a women’s place get your pussy ate and shut up! The Good pastor and I met on tinder, babe if this is what’s on tinder I know Christian mingle is cracking!

It wouldn’t be so mad if I didn’t get judge by him for so many other things, I question him when he told me he was praying for me and you would of thought I committed a crime. I simply asked him “what was he praying for”, he told me I was being disrespectful the biblical part of him is offended.

Time out I need a side bar with the Lord

Lord this not what I asked for, you know I will curse this man clean out, You didn’t send him I know you didn’t.

Long story short I’m done dating!


To the girl in the abusive relationship!

Love hurts sometimes, but it shouldn’t kill you!

The butterflies we feel that sometimes makes our stomach hurt when we are in love is one thing but physical pain is not part of love!

From mental abuse to physical abuse you’ve probably indure it all and keep telling yourself he said he was sorry and it’ll get worse before it get better! For some yes, its possible that he’ll change but probably not before he break you down! He’ll take every bit of peace you have! You’ll  be left damaged if your not already damage.

Domestic violence is an epidicment 3 women a day are murdered every day by a current or former male partner, too you that may not sound like a lot until you or one of your love ones are part of the 3.

People die everyday, illness or even wrong place wrong time but I cant help to think about the people who had an opportunity to live and didn’t fight for their life!

So to my sister who is in a abusive relationship, I speak greatness over your life, you are more then enough and there is a true love outside of your pain, rehabilitation and shelter is available. You are a survivor remember the only people here to tell their story are survivors!  We need your bravery!  FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE!

Save yourself so you can safe others!

R.I.P to my dear friend Angel Irby you will forever be part of my fight!

Get help today

National Domestic Violence Hotline  1-800-799-7233


30 second Cry

As a mother we don’t get much time to sit in our pain, for the most part we have 3o seconds to cry dry our eyes and act like nothing is wrong!

Uusually my car rides are my crying place, The day we found out my son had brain tumors I let my mom ride in the ambulance with him as he was transported to the nearest childrens hospital, Why? because I knew I would need to go to my crying place! My car that is! I knew I was preparing myself for a long road ahead and I wasn’t going to hold back that ugly cry! So on my way to drive to the childrens hospital I had one good ugly cry, it felt amazing! However during our time in the hospital I didn’t have to much time for an ugly cry so I settled for a few 30 second cry!

Yesterday I was at work somethings hit me hard and because I was at work and needed to shake it off, I took a deep breathe and let my 30 second cry out! It was one of my best ever! The moment I was done I stood up whip my tears still reserving my perfectly beat face, pushed my shoulders back and went about my day!

I text my sister and mother asking them have they ever had a 30 second cry, They both response with “yep”, I thought I was the only one!

Word from the wise its ok to take 30 seconds cry about it and move on!


My Mermaid is black as fuck!

For those that have been living under a rock last week Disney annoyed that Halle Bailey would be Ariel in the Live Action movie. If you are unaware of who Halle Bailey is her and her twin sister took YouTube by storm singing covers, then went on tour with Beyoncé, then landed roles in Blackish spinoff Grown-ish with Yara Shahidi and Trevor Jackson. Of course Halle and her twin sister Chloe have landed many other acting roles from The fighting temptation to Joyful Noise.

Halle Bailey is Ariel, In The Little Mermaid child let me just let that hit you.

The Backlash is disguising I’m a true believer that not all white people are racist however there is a bout 50,000 that I can add to the sketchy list of racist who join the facebook group “Christians against the little Mermaid (boycott Halle Bailey)”. I’m going to let that sit in “Christians” Oh boy If Jesus was coming back today hell would be overly packed!

“Everyone knows mermaids are black just like Santa and Jesus” wow some say Tomi Lahren said that some say she didn’t however Jesus being white is easily arguable and to put Jesus in the same category as fictional characters like Santa and The little mermaid is beyond idiotic and disrespectful.

Dear Privilege

Please sit the fuck down and adapt to our beautiful blackness the way we had to adapt to racism and gentrification because we are coming for everything that was taken from us.

Sincerely A Dope Black Queen

P.S The revolution will be televised!


My Son My Superhero Part 4 (Will radiation give me superpowers?)

So on July 3rd we found out that Nehemiah tumor that was 100% removed was coming back and the one that was 97% removed is growing with in 3 months from surgery. As a parent we never want our children to go through these things and my 12 year old has already been through so much. I can’t even beginning to explain the way my heart hurts.

The Night before our visit with the radiologist I couldn’t sleep, I knew the tumors was growing but I wasn’t for sure at what pace so to learn all the facts and next steps was killing me I was anxious! I set back and I binged watch The village. Oh God, I’m sure that was a bad idea, it was a bit much, troubled war hero’s, pregnant teenagers, and cancer I set myself up! However, the tears that was coming down my face felt personal then it happen my chest started to cave in and I felt it through my back. I couldn’t breathe and the tears wouldn’t stop coming down. I was having a panic attack I knew I had to pull it together!

After we left the doctors appointment Nehemiah was pretty much quiet and he is never quiet , I could see it all over his face he was scared and worried, shit so was I! I remember Nehemiah walking up to his granny and asking will radiation give him superpowers. We laugh and said maybe you’ll have to wait and see!

He have no Idea that he is already a superhero and fighting these tumors is his supernatural power!


Las Vegas Market week PT 5 “Be a professional buyer”

Here is the thing when dealing with vendors you need to know how to protect your bottom line and your time. I’m going to give you a few tips about buying at tradeshows. No matter if you are at Magic or WWIN these tips have the same value.

  1. Make appointments. If you walk in a booth that’s super busy don’t wait around ask if you could make an appointment to come back.
  2. Evaluate your orders. Trust me you’ll see the same thing a bunch of times, and if you are new to business please before you place your final order check all your options out.
  3. Don’t leave your credit card number. Handwritten orders are a huge con for most trade shows, please do not leave your CC number unless the product is physically about to be shipped at that moment. Honestly it wont hurt to wait til Friday or Monday.
  4. What’s your price point and order minimum. You should know your market already and your budget so don’t waste your time simply ask what’s your price point. If its not in your market or budget don’t waste your time or the vendors time. Same goes for order minimum. If its out of your budget keep moving!
  5. PLACE THE ORDER. 9 times out of 10 most of product is for fall/winter this August so you are shopping for future products and if you are not sure and on the fence place the order. Trends change so quick and you’ll be so upset that you didn’t place that order.
  6. Don’t take pictures. This a huge no no, before you start taking pictures of products ask, some will say yes others will say no!
  7. Take notes. I remember forgetting little details like release dates or sizes. Since the order form you get will probably be faded and written quickly to the point it looks like crap in ink. I suggest you write your own notes little details. For example ” yellow mules, 3′ heel, 12A size run” that should help you remember.
  8. Follow up. I usually make sure I send all my vendors follow up emails by Monday after the show. It shows that I’m serious and then I’ll make shipments arrangements and give my card number to insure I don’t miss out. Every month send a follow up email regarding upcoming product release.

It’s true as a small boutiques have it a little harder then larger retailers I remember sitting at a table with a sales rep and one of her big clients came in, guess who end up waiting, me! It happens. Don’t get discourage or allow that to stop you from moving forward. One day you’ll be that big client. Follow these tips and you could be walking and talking like a professional buyer. After all that’s exactly what you are.


Las Vegas Market Week PART 4 “ENJOY THE MAGIC”

Now you should be registered and had enough time to plan your trip to Vegas.

For me MAGIC is my main show that I visit during market week, So I’m going to give you key tips on how to survive  3 or for some 4 days of the best fashion tradeshow ever.

This year is going to be a bit different, usually I map out my trip by traveling to Mandalay Bay and Las vegas convention because magic was held at two locations this year its different. at the end of the last show in February there was mention that all of Magic would be held in one place. I remember sitting on the shuttle from Mandalay Bay to the Convention center when an notification came through my email man I was so excited.

However I do have a few concerns about everything being at one venue. The fear of the convention center being over crowed, as if the long wait at Starbucks doesn’t get annoying. What about over crowed vendor booths, seminars and buses. Yet it still doesn’t take away for better opportunitites to network and learn.

Over the last few years I’ve learned that planning ahead was the only way to get everything done. In July most of my vendors would start

  1. PLAN AHEAD Soon all the seminars, events and full list of vendors will be posted on the site. Take the time to know what’s going on so that you wont miss a beat. Make appointments with vendors you have worked with and would like to work with. Seminars are a must especially if your just learning.
  2. Wake up early. Early bird gets the worm. I am usually up at 6am sometimes I’m able to fake hit the gym, find me coffee and make it to shuttle by 8am.
  3. Know your market. Magic has a total of 12 shows in one, For those new comers I advice you to contact Magic retail engagement team because they will help you navigate the floor and find vendors that appeal to your market.
  4. Network. I usually hit the tradeshow alone and I’m not afraid to look at someone badge and start up a conversation, I’ve made friends in the bathroom, by the magic sign and even in the swag bag line. Pack a bunch of business cards.
  5. Eat. I don’t have to tell you how important taking meal breaks are, when walking the floor you need to make sure take care of yourself. The convention center food is a bit expensive but you can always pack a lunchable or something to save money.
  6. Be cute and comfortable. Magic is like a 9 hour fashion show and yes some people wear high heels (I’m not that person) but trust me if you cover as much tradeshow floor as I have packing heels is the least of my worries. A nice backpack and comfortable shoes is all I need to survive.

Magic is one of the best shows I’ve been to with Opening night parties, cash and carry options, happy hours, swag bag giveaways, celebrity sightings and don’t forget instagrammable moments you’ll be a magic junkie in no time.


I’m not a “PICK ME”

Single life is really getting the best of me.

Bumble, Hinge, Tinder, POF, and all the other bullshit is getting old and my years of single is quickly reaching the double digits. I’m over the small talk and I’m very much over the freaky old men. I’ve dated from my age range to my mothers age range and even gave a few youngins a shot.

Maybe Its me, I’ve been referred to as tough a few times. I’m sure the alpha female act is getting to old. So I’ve tried to drop it in my recent dating endeoavors. I’m allowing a part of me to be seen that past relationships or “situations” didn’t get to see! Like I’m quiet, or should I say less opinionated, I smile more, Like I smile for no reason, No more resting Bitch face over here. I make myself come off a little vulnerable but not weak.

That doesn’t make me a PICK ME girl, I’m understanding that change is healthy for my growth as a women and in order to find a partner. However I don’t seek  attention and my opinion about things doesn’t change just because I’m a round a group of people who has different opinion. I’m still the black feminist that stands up against Domestic violence and our right to be treated fair those things don’t change.

With social media you’ll come across a lot of different opinions about relationships, you can easily spot a “PICK ME” she’s the one who agrees with the stupid post like “women should know that their place is in the kitchen” and here comes pick me “I sure know its my place’ Knowing damn well she can’t cook. That ladies and gentle men is a straight up pick me. Damn “pick me’s” fucking it up for all of us.


Las Vegas Market Week: Part 2 Get Registered

It’s the end of May which means you have a good 2 months to get yourself together, but don’t worry I’m here to help!

First thing first let’s get you registered, if you are going for the first time here is some steps to take to get you there.

MAGIC LAS VEGAS If you are thinking about opening a online business, brick & mortar or fashion truck. I’ll suggest you get to business. I registered to magic my first time with these three items.

  1. EIN. Simple I went to IRS.GOV and applied for my ein number.
  2. Bank Account. I went and open up a bank account in my business name and ask the banker for an letter of intent to open a business.
  3. Website. I had already start building my website it wasn’t up and running but my domain was set and it was easy to go to the site and get the “Opening soon” message.

For me after I realized what I needed, it was super easy. I promise you I stressed for months, I thought I was defeated! I needed to get into magic to start my business even with a website already in the works I had no product!

Off Price and WWIN. These shows are a little bit easier to get in an once you manage to get everything you need to get into Magic, registering for these two would be a piece of cake.

AGENDA and LIBERTY FAIRS This one is a little bit harder to get in the first time. You must be an establish brand my website had to be up and rolling in order for me to get in. Keep that in mind when trying to register for agenda and if your looking for fast fashion these 2 can wait til your brand and business is more established.

There is really no easy way to register you can probably tag along with a friend as a guest but if your looking to open up a business for yourself go as yourself and get your business name out there.

I hope this helps!

Vegas Market week Part 1

It’s all most time for Vegas market week and I am super excited.

Every February and August the city of Las Vegas is filled with fashion designers, retailers and boutique owners all looking for hot products and ideas to increase sells.

With a host of trade shows like Magic, Off price. Agenda and more you get a little over whelmed and if its your first time you need to get a taste of them all!

Over the next couple of Months I’m going to break down all of the shows during August Market week tell you which you should visit base off your market! I’ll tell you all about the hot events and seminars you should miss. I’ll even give you basic traveling tips, flight and hotel.

Even if your having problems registering, I can assist you and help you get to where you need to be.

I’m your Vegas Market week source.